Urban Rebounding Workout DVD, Compilation 4 special offers

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  Product Features
Are you an athlete? Get strong for your sport with the Sport Bound workout
New flavor and new moves with African Bound
Stengthen and sculpt with Ballet Bound
Stay motivated with different workouts each day!

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  Product Description
From the Actor
JB Berns, the creator of The Urban Rebounding Program, has taken his many years as a fitness expert and his passion for life and created an exercise that doesn't feel like exercise at all. "It's a fun way to work out and it is much easier on your body than most other exercises," says JB. Do you remember what exercise was like when you were a child? Hard to remember isn't it? That's because you didn't think of it as exercise. JB Berns has taken that feeling and made it the philosophy behind the Urban Rebounding workout. This unique exercise program works with gravity and not against it, toning and strengthening the body in the process. Urban Rebounding is a kid's exercise for adults of all ages!
About the Actor
Four Fun Filled Workouts:
• Resistance Bound
• Sports Specific Bound
• Ballet Bound
• African Bound

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